Sunday was one of those early March days that foretell of spring to come. It was 57°. The clouds parted for a while and a rather weak sun appeared in a pale blue sky. The earliest crocuses and snowdrops called to me and I had to get outside. I spent the day cutting back perennials and ornamental grasses, pruning and cleaning up winter’s debris. The heavy winds had blown leaves into the beds. Twigs and even tree limbs were everywhere. It was hard work, but satisfying.

This morning it’s frosty again, but there are some small, brave daffodils nodding in a sunny corner. They are the advance scouts for spring and my garden is ready. It won’t be long until the garden will be decorated with daffodils followed by tulips, peonies and iris. I especially love the tiny, soft green leaves that begin to emerge on shrubbery and trees. Then one warm sunny day they are magically transformed into bright green foliage. Who can resist the beauty of spring?

Is your garden ready for the growing season? Wallace Landscape now offers professional gardening services for their clients in Pennsylvania and Delaware. Experienced professional gardeners care for your landscape with attention to every detail. They will prepare your garden to welcome spring and keep it lovely all season long. Ask  about seasonal color plantings and creative containers. To keep your garden at its best, call on Wallace Landscape garden professionals.