Do you do this, or something like it, year after year?


You could have a colorful fall garden that re-emerges every year in celebration of autumn.  Containers can also be updated for fall with a selection of ornamental grasses and late blooming flowers.  Such plantings remain attractive long after those ubiquitous mounds of mums have faded.


Some of the loveliest flowers of the season are the last to bloom. These reliable beauties bring color and textural interest to the fall garden. Here Pennesitum, an ornamental grass,  adds a punch of texture to ever blooming Abelia and fall blooming Anemone against a background of evergreens.


Refreshing fall color is provided by a hardy camellia and a Hydrangea hybrid. The camellia also provides a touch of evergreen foliage.


Dendranthema ‘Sheffields Pink’ displays it’s subtle peach flowers late into the fall. It is one of the last spots of color in the garden.


This display of colorful foliage and late blooming flowers will return year after year in celebration of another pleasant mid-atlantic autumn.