I just came in from the garden with my basket full of fresh lettuce, spring onions, radishes, mint and cilantro. Before coming in I stood in the strawberry patch and ate my fill. There is nothing like ripe strawberries, fresh from the garden. Those hard, red lumps...

Nature’s Early Warning

How quickly winter has loosed its icy grip. With the first warm breezes I started dreaming of the many pleasures to come…the soothing green as young leaves unfold, the explosion of flowers to follow, the bright sunshine that lifts our spirits after this extremely...


The first welcome hint of spring is in the air. What a winter we’ve survived! I can’t wait to get out into my garden to see if there is any damage. I rely on hardy plants and proven cultivars, so I rarely lose any of my landscape to weather. However, we have had some...

Winter’s Special Beauty

Winter has its own special beauty. A well designed garden is lovely in every season. Here in the Mid-Atlantic region we are fortunate to have a wealth of evergreens in all shapes, sizes and shades of green. Along with an abundance of bright winter berries, a skillful...

Happy Holidays

From all the families of Wallace Landscape Associates Inc… We wish you and your family warm and wonderful holidays surrounded by the joy of family and friends A bright and sparkling New Year full of good health, prosperity and happiness.

In Anticipation of Spring

Here in the Mid-Atlantic Region we have enjoyed another beautiful fall. Sad to say it’s over and winter is upon us. A fleeting November snow reminded us to check the tires, get in a supply of garden friendly ice melter, find the snow shovels and gloves in preparation...