The sun is bright and beautiful and the sky is a brilliant blue today. At the first hint of warm sunshine, my thoughts turn to the garden. I am so anxious to get out and start cleaning up after the cold and snowy winter we’ve had. The first green shoots and nodding white bells of snow drops give me hope for an early spring.

I would love to have some assistance with the garden clean-up this year, but I am very cautious about allowing untrained workers to help out. In the past I have heard of maintenance people mistaking precious perennials for weeds and removing them. And those power driven clippers can lead to real problems in the wrong hands. I am appalled at the clipping of lovely shrubs into tortured shapes. Much of their beauty is in their graceful and varied patterns of growth. Proper pruning leaves them in their natural shape while controlling size.

An elegant landscape can be made commonplace and even seriously damaged by improper maintenance techniques. That is why I began hiring and training Wallace Associates Garden Maintenance Staff, many years ago. Wallace Landscape Associates has long been known for creating wonderful gardens throughout the Delaware Valley. We want to see those gardens cared for in a way that maintains their beauty and quality. Our professional gardeners and their staff know precisely what it takes to keep a garden thriving and beautiful all season. I only wish they weren’t so busy. These days they don’t have time to help me with my garden clean-up.

This is the time of year when the garden catalogues begin to arrive. No matter how mature my garden is, I begin planning for a few new additions. Hobby gardening can be a real joy. A well-planned vegetable garden will grow healthful, fresh produce and you get some exercise in the fresh air is an add bonus. A cut flower garden allows you to enjoy creating your own arrangements for every room in the house. Flowers can be coordinated with your home’s decor or your favorite colors.

There is an elegant simplicity to growing your own vegetables, berries and flowers. Wallace Landscape Associates has designed and installed hobby gardens for many years. It is so important to have the best layout, properly amended soil and low maintenance features so your hobby can continue to be fun and relaxing. Raised beds with gravel paths make hobby gardening easy and enjoyable. That is why this scheme is so widely used in European gardens. Call Wallace Landscape Architects to discuss your hobby garden.

Call early for spring maintenance and design services. The schedule fills quickly when the warming sun turns everyone’s thoughts to the garden. Call today to schedule an early Wallace Landscape Associates Maintenance visit. Phone 610-444-6161.

Photo credits: Laura Miller RLA, Wallace Landscape Associates